Girls will walk for Boys

Images Top to Bottom: Erin O' Connor @ Hackett, Matthew Miller, Katie Eary, Christopher Shannon, Katie Eary 
at London Collections: Men AW13

The arising discussion of the topic of what the terms "genderless" and "asexual" really mean are not new notions bought to light by the likes of Lady Gaga and so on, oh no. Androgyny in fashion is something that has been present since the early 20th century when educated aristocratic women abandoned their corsets for cullottes. That's right, today is not really any different. Us ladies wear boys clothes, whilst boys were our clothes and there's a dissolving line between gender that is becoming even more apparent.

The biggest trend I probably picked out from London Collections: Men was this genderless quality to the clothing. And more specifically, yes the girls were walking for the boys. The importance of menswear in London finally having a full three days to itself was something really significant to the menswear industry giving British designers the recognition and coverage they deserve. In fact, sending women down the runway only seemed to make things that bit more interesting showing just how much the two worlds collide and work well in tandem.

When Erin O' Connor strutted her stuff in down make shift runway in the crypt at St Paul's Cathedral for Hackett AW13, sporting a white tux style shirt and velvet cummerbund, I couldn't help but feel extremely proud for women everywhere. With her incredibly sharpish features, neatly short cut hair and boyish looks, it was the best finale the show could have asked for. Christopher Shannon, Katie Eary and Matthew Miller all shortly followed suit when they sent females down their respective catwalks donning their latest collections. Androgyny has definitely made a resurgence for AW13 and is stronger than ever. Women and men alike are all about the power dressing that is so infamously associated with the eighties.

So well done girls, walk for the boys with pride.

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